2014. 11. 18.

What happens is i leave the flushing ticklish part after the nasolabial fold?

These days, articles on the side effects of any treatment or surgery are easy to find.
There were many people who had side effects, making it worse than before.
So today, we will post about the side effects of the nasolabial fold.
As many couples get married in May, this has becaome a popula treatment.
it is hardly to happen, however it would be good to keep in notice about the side effects.
The picture on the left shows the before pictuer, While the one on the right shows the after picture.

As for the side effects of the nasolabial fold, there are fluches, or the movement of the filler.
As shown in the picture, if your skin color changes of swells up please go to the hospital.
You can melt that with a special shot called hyaluronic acid .
you can go back to the way it was before.

Any type of treatment can have side effects. the most important thing is to quickly decide what to do
in order to change it.
Also, bacause it is a treatment done by a shot, you get ready for a little swelling, and a little pain
If you have something important coming up, we recommend you go get it one month before.

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